This blog at first chronicles my experience in participating various activities but I started to voice out on certain current issues and give my views. Mostly cover views of a centrist, I at times also have strong opinions on certain issues. I feel that there is no wrong or right, and subject to discussion, disagreement and amiable consent. While we can agree strongly to an issue we also can agree to disagree.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Mission: Life Saving, Update: More Visitors! and MHI interview on TV3
I travelled to Teluk Intan right after I touch down. The next day, Ling Hooi, Pei Ting and Shu Ying came to visit. The next day all friends of my batch came - I had Ai Chuen, Wai Kheng, Karen, Jenny and bf, Suet Sze, Wai Theng, Hoon Koon, Nusrat (Dr.) and Shiao Chin came. It was the first time my house was filled with visitors. Every year, I visited their homes and collected angpaus but this is the first time they came.
I sms-ed Shiao Chin that I was back to TI, she immediately replied she will bring the whole kampung to my house. And yes, she did! Since we have Dr. Nusrat in the "kampung"of friends, she became the advisor and consultant - everyone asked her questions regarding my operations.
On the second day of CNY, I went to Ipoh. In the morning at 7.00am, I woke up to prepare as the producer for Malaysia Hari Ini (TV3) will call me at 7.30am for a live interview on the show. At 7.20am, the call came and we have almost 10 minutes chat live on TV. I appreciate the chance to promote organ donation and the joy of giving.
The next day, my colleagues Elaine, Voon Pin and Allen came. Sharon and Alicia - An Qi's aunts also came. Then my aunt who stay in Ipoh also came with my both cousins and my cousin's gf.
At night, my 2 grandaunts and a granduncle came to see me, too. Then, when Ying Ching travelled back to Penang from Teluk Intan, her husband and her took the trouble to drop by and visited me.
Then the day after I also had Mr Kok, one of Dato' Sri Ong Tee Keat's secretary came to visit as he stays near Gopeng. In the morning, Amy - publisher for Money Compass business magazine so happened to be in Ipoh and came for visit, too!
I just got a call from Alicia - An Qi's aunt. She said her father insisted to visit me and so they will need to fetch him here. So tomorrow I will have visitors, too.
THANK YOU and my appreciation is to all supporters and all visitors. My house now has Essence of Chicken, Essence of Ikan Haruan, Bird's Nests in Rock Sugar, Cordyceps Soup in bottle, 2 big hampers.
THANK YOU but if anyone reading this blog and planning a visit - come in BODY, no presents/gifts required. I appreciate enough visits and all your support.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Mission: Life Saving; Update: Visitors
I remembered that when I signed the organ donation pledge form, it came to my mind that I would also donate organ if someone needs it when I am alive. Therefore, the decision to donate liver to An Qi was an easy one.
Then after a while, someone in black who looks like one of the male nurses came in through the door. The patient next to me in my room has been discharged so everyone who walks through the door was definitely my visitor. Then I noticed a pair of sunglasses on his head so this definitely is not a nurse. Then, another familiar face entered and followed by the third person, I figured out.... hey XeerSoft staffs! YinRu, Elaine, Allen, G and Daryl came to visit and it was a pleasant surprise. They drove all the way from KL starting their journey at 2.00am!
Danny came to join Iewi and Michael but then nurses came in to sponge me and I was tired - it was time to sleep. So they left.
Mission: Life Saving; Status: Completed!

This is Lee An Qi and I. 60% or about 500grams of my liver is in her body now. Dying of cancer, this 13-year old girl must get her whole liver removed and replaced with a new one. So after tests and more tests, it was found that my liver matches hers. So surgery was done on the 14th January 2009.

Next to me is An Qi's mother and father. We are now like family and I am grateful to have a new family in life. It was so touching when her mom repeatedly say thank you to me and how my mom said that An Qi's mother always say 'We are lucky we have your daughter willing to donate her liver'.

After surgery, I had tubes all over me. Note something colourful hanging over my neck - tubes for the drips, medicines, pain-killers and others. In ICU for the first 2 days I also had my left wrist with wires for measurement of blood pressure. I also had a tube through my nose going all the way to the stomach for removal of gas and acids from stomach. Oxygen for breathing also introduced tubes to my nose. On my left hand was provided a Nurse Call button and on the right, the pain-killer release button - to release pain-killers when I am in pain.
I also had another tube to remove fluids from my body - note the picture above - the tube was then removed and replaced with a small bag at the right of the lower abdomen. Hmmm.... another tube for removal of urine! Tubes everywhere!
I also thought that having a surgery = reduction in weight. Seems like I was wrong because the tummy stays and the fats content stays. No lipsuction involved, I sleep and sleep and sleep... and eat and sleep and eat and sleep... so expect my weight to grow steadily!

Nurses removed bandages to change the dressings and I took the opportunity to take this picture quickly. I never expected the scar to be this big and long.

The menu - hey this is like a hotel - I get to choose what I want to eat - breakfast, lunch, dinner, tea and supper.

This is the tube removed from my neck. I asked the nurse to hold it up for my camera pleasure.

Sunday, January 4, 2009
My PDA, My Life
Panic! Now, looking around Cheras I could not even get the charger nor the cradle - this is too old a phone to look for its accessories.

Asus P750 - tempted to buy at second hand price of RM1,111 from Lelong - 3G, GPS, Business card recognition - all I wanted

My DREAM phone - but spending RM2,000 for a PDA phone with same platform wouldn't be much of a good investment particularly current phones can already fulfil what I need (eg the Asus P750 at half the price)

Would love to land my hand on this G1 Android - Google phone - something on a new platform. Available in Malaysia. Again from Lelong, it states a price of RM1,900 - RM2,300. Anyone thinks you want to throw away this phone, maybe you can throw it to my house at 25, Jalan Perdana 1/8, Pandan Perdana, 55300 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia!

O2 Stealth - yea the sliding looks nice heh... and the keypad for easy texting - no more poking with stylus for sms! (the keypad was a blunder though)

Thursday, January 1, 2009
Mama Mia! Here I Come Again!

My best New Year SMS
The best sms I have ever received came from Allen Lee Loong Hwee - my colleague in the sales team - whom we named ourselves as EAGLES.
The sms goes like this
Go to RM500,000... yahoo!!
That's the end of the sms. Reminding me of my goals for the new year is one of the best sms and moreover, this will be my main focus for 2009. RM500,000 - here we come!!!
反正不会死 but this time I may die...
I saw my friend's (Axiao's) blog and strike on to me was her motto in life "Never Try, Never Know". Came to think about it, I spent my life with the motto "反正不会死" (As long as you will never die).
Means I will do whatever and try new things if it will never bring death. I tried new businesses, direct sales and learnt a lot of things. In fact a lot of things beyond elaboration here. I must admit I may not be the FIRST to do it nor will I be daring enough to try new things. I always have my fears and very often, I need examples of people showing it or demonstrate it before I do it.
Say, for example, I was at a seminar doing arrow breaking with our necks. At first I wanted to be the first to try but our group leader said he will go first so I let it. Then I tried to be the second, but as I positioned myself and I was all ready to break it - I stopped and asked that someone else do it first. The reason was simple: I have not seen a lady doing that YET. Once a lady tried and I seen it with my own eyes only did I dare to do it and of course, I DID IT!
That act of breaking arrow may have the risks of death but I did it anyway. The session actually enlightened myself to know myself better. In short, I need examples but being a fast learner, once you teach a dog to sit, the dog sits quietly. That's HoongLing!
A Giant Leap ForwardThis time I am a huge, giant step ahead from "Never Try, Never Know". I am far ahead of 反正不会死! I am risking my live to donate part of my liver to a friend. This will be a major operation to remove my right lobe of the liver (about 60%) to Lee An Qi, a family friend who is now having cancer. Only 13-years old and already under chemotheraphy is really something very dreading.
Although my motto was to try things 反正不会死, but this time is a major operation which the risk of death will be 0.5%, risk of infections 15% and no one knows the long-term future for a living donor yet because the technology for living liver donation is pretty less than 2 decades now. Yet, something in me has the urge to JUST DO IT!
At first, I was in a complicated relationship which forced me to do something out of my mind. Then, doubts started to pour in and I wanted to review the decision. However, it wasn't much of a crossroad at all. I made up my mind pretty soon and really stick by it to JUST DO IT! Now, when people ask me "Why are you doing this?" I simply answer, "Why not?"
I thought this is just a normal act of kindness and never thought this is such a great thing to do until everyone whom I have spoken to said that this is a great sacrifice. Ain't human's life is to help each other? I really do not know but really, is this act so great?
I have been through thorough tests to ensure I am fit enough to donate my liver. The tests include blood test, urine test, abdominal ultrasound, ECG, CT Scan, X-Ray and 24-hour urine collection! Operation will be done in Gleneagles Hospital, Singapore.
Singapore - Gleneagles Hospital looks really much like a 5-star hotel so rest assure that once I wake up I will have time to relax and rejuvenate.