My November calendar looks like this. I have updated my live calendar at my website, click Hoong Ling's calendar. It is easier for my friends to make arrangements for gatherings, dinners or any get-togethers. Yes, my website has now spotted a new look! Do have a visit.
Apart from DAILY morning and night activities I have set to discipline myself, I have weekend activities, mostly classes; flying to Jakarta for a wedding dinner and a half-marathon at Penang bridge to go. DAILY activities including morning exercise, study and learning, meditation, concentration exercises, book writing (yes, still writing), daily appreciation and financial records. WEEKLY activities I have set aside time for friends and family members, too but November month will miss those as my schedule is full! Luckily I have made up the "loss" of opportunities with family by cooking for them for few weeks now.
Agreeing to the half marathon on 22nd November 2009 was the deadliest - return tickets to Penang booked, marathon registered, hotel booked. All these, forgetting 21st November is the reunion dinner on board Fuji Maru for alumni of South East Asian Youths Program (SSEAYP) - gotta miss it! Alas, 23rd-26th November will be having youth camp under the Napoleon Hill Associates, too.
Interesting November and I am looking forward for it.
I demand of myself consistency and discipline to follow whatever that has been planned. I will do it and I MUST DO IT.